Plain white table vinegar (undiluted)
Nail Polish Remover
Non-oily formula only.
Hair Spray (unscented)
Effective on ink stains
Ammonia Solution
2 tsp of sudsy ammonia to 2/3 cup warm water
Laundry Detergent Solution
1 tbsp laundry detergent to 1 cup warm water.
Animal Stains
- Apply detergent solutions.
- Apply ammonia solution
- Apply vinegar solution
- Rinse and blot
- Chill with ice cube
- Scrape off as much as possible
- Apply no-oily nail polish remover
- Spray with unscented hair spray
- Apply paint/oil /grease remover
- Repeat 1 and 2
- Flush with cold water or soda water
- Blot dry
- Apply paint/oil/grease remover
- Repeat step 1.
- Apply detergent solution
- Rinse and blot
Red Wine
- First blot with white wine, if stain remains..
- Apply detergent solution
- Apply vinegar solution
- Apply ammonia solution
- Rinse and blot dry
Always Remember to:
Act Fast – The older the stain, the harder it is to remove
Never Rub, always gently blot - Hard or aggressive rubbing will only push the stain deeper into fibers, often resulting in a larger stain.
Never Use Bleach - It is true that bleach can remove various stains, but it will surely remove the color from the carpet or fabric as well
Be Patient – Repeat the removal procedure a few times if need be(remember rule #2)